Sunday 14 July 2013


The church teaches us that abortion of the unborn is a mortal sin.  Simply it it wrong.  It is not for me to judge my sisters who follow this path, that is for God, our loving father.  Abortion is an emotive subject.  The whole arena is full of pain, judgement and guilt.

I know of many people who were themselves unplanned or unwanted pregnancies, myself included.  Whose mothers could have opted for terminations what a loss to society had their mothers chosen abortion.  But their mothers opted for life.

In my mind abortion as a means  of contraception is wrong.  Those who go down this root are misguided and need love, care and education.  Those who encourage this are also clearly wrong.

When I read about the Texan legislature restricting abortion I feel this is so right. I applaud them for choosing the harder route.  When I read about Ireland clarifying it's legislation I feel this is right too.  It is not the laws that are wrong , but how people misuse them.

We, each of use need to follow our own conscience to do the loving thing.  It is not for us to condemn the sinner, but to free them to be with Christ.  We need to love the sinner and hate the sin.

Each of us needs to be an example of true Christian charity,  in every area of our lives, to help educate people away from unwanted pregnancies.  We need to show that celibacy for every one who is not married is a virtue, that children are a gift from God, Life and Love and precious.

I thank God for Matthew, who is getting married this year.  He was born to a sixteen year old mother, unplanned, but not unwanted, very much loved.  Sue chose the harder path.  He is getting married this summer.  I pray

"I thank you God for Matthew,  I pray that Sue's witness can show that there is another way, a better way, God's way."