Saturday 22 June 2013

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

It is clearly evident that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, or more accurately part of my spirit is willing and I am weak willed.

To grow further I must commit to Christ.  Commit to practice the Presence of Christ at every and each possible moment, in every situation.  That I also need to reject all vain things and practices.  I must askew all things that do not promote building a loving relationship with God.

I pray

"Dear God, I commit myself afresh to be present to you.  Further, I commit to rejecting vanities, to stopping those practices that turn my face from you and that cause you pain.

Lord grant me the grace to resist temptation and to be strong in faith and will, so that in humility I my enter your presence and stay there."

"Thy will be done"