Sunday, 9 February 2025


As a Christian my faith demands that I show love and care to God and to people and creation.  "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might..." “and your neighbour as yourself.”  The parable of the ‘Good Samaritan’  paints out who is my neighbour.

My neighbours includes the poor, the weak the powerless, the disenfranchised, the marginal, those hated and despised in society.  The person who doesn’t look like me, who thinks differently than me. They are the drug addict, homeless, the uneducated, the person on benefits, the illegal immigrant, people of different religious persuasions, sexual orientation, different understanding of gender, race or culture.  My faith demands and commands not tolerance but love, and not just a little bit but “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might…”

In recent weeks and months media has been awash with hateful rhetoric, sentiments and actions.  I have seen one nation of whom history ought to have taught them better commit ethic cleansing on another.  And what did the political leaders of the developed world do, next to nothing, Token shaking their heads verbally at most.  I have witnessed a dictatorship invade and wage war on another nation in an act of empire building.  Enormous lose of life and pain.  Dreadful.  In the United States the present incumbent of the presidency, has criminalise immigrants, cancelled diversity programs, abandoned the Paris Climate Agreement, Withdrawn from the World Health Organisation, expressed interest in taking over Panama, Greenland and Canada, condemned the International Court of Justice, closed US AID.  He also seems to wish to start a disastrous trade war with his allies using tariffs, which will cause awful poverty, depression and recession.

The phrase often attributed to Edmund Burke comes to mind "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".

In the light of what I see and hear in the media, what should I do as a Christian?

Shake my head at the TV?  Write a strongly worded letter to my MP, or the US Ambassador?  Pray for those negatively?  Pray for the paddlers of hate, instigators and perpetrators?

What should I do?

Do nothing?  Then evil triumphs.

I am virtually powerless.

I do have the freedom of where I spend my $$.  

I can inform myself of where my money is going when I spend it and make informed decisions to limit my $$ going to supporters of MAGA, Trump, Elon,  Netanyahu.  I will buy locally grown and manufactured where possible.  I will move away from US based Tech companies, move to Linux and European based Tech.  I prefer French wine, German beer and cars and English Pork Sausages.

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Avoid the Gloss

Last week after sharing my personal testament with a relative they suggested I ought to write a book to enable the story of my journey to be shared.  I thought and prayed about this.

I have discerned that my story is not unusual, thanks to the mercy of God it is commonplace, the experience of countless others who have responded to Christ's invitation and allowed him to use them as his hands and feet in this corporal world.  My scribblings would not do justice to any real justice to his work on and through me.

Others would do better to read and follow scripture and the writings of the saints, rather than the interpretation or dilution of the same by people like me.  St. Frances of Assisi wrote in his testament no to let others gloss or dilute his rule.  Be wary of those who gloss The Gospel; Those who lighten it to suit themselves, making it the gospel lite.  Read scripture, read the writings of the saints, Ignatius of Loyal, Patrick and Jose Maria Esciva and Frances.  Read their work, not the gloss of others.

Commentaries can be helpful, but they are not a replacement for the original works and for prayer. Rather than reading this or other blogs, read the bible and the work of the saints in Christ.

Monday, 27 April 2020

Covid 19

We live in uncertain times.  Thousands are sick and dying many are fearful.
Churches are closed, and because we are social distancing denied the comfort of the sacrament.

I have been unable to pray or make sence of it all until I read.

“And why do you worry about .... See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."

Monday, 25 February 2019

That would be an eccumenical matter

Image result for That would be an eccumenical matterAs we are all called to love everybody, it follows we should respect and love our brothers and sisters who worship in denominations other than our own and indeed people of different faiths.  Further we ought to reach out and welcome them to the community of faith. We must be warm, loving and welcoming drawing others to Christ. 

But, and this is important, we must be faithful to our Traditions, the Scriptures and the teachings of the church.  Where we water down our teachings, where we are compliant and liberal minded in order to be more acceptable towards others we dilute our faith, we do an injustice to Christ.

Today I read an article in the Church Times (the Church of England's newspaper), I was shocked to read how elements of that community are so misguided as to appoint ordained chaplains to build bridges with witches and pagans.  They hold watered down liturgies in forests with no scripture, rather they focus solely on nature, also taking part in pagan rituals.  This is completely misguided when paradoxically sound research has shown that, conservative christian communities who espouse traditional Christian morals and practices are growing where liberal communities are shrinking.

Let us not forget that weak morals and sinful behaviour of some priests and ministers has done great harm to the Church and to Christ.  All of us must be strong and live out our lives as Christ would wish, holding to strong values helps us to do this.  You and I must repent and reject sin.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Stormy Day

The other day as I sat in the church awaiting evening prayers as storm raged outside.  The doors rattled, the windows whistled and the roof clattered. You could imagine the building lifted off the ground and destroyed, like a wood house in the face of a tornado. But the stout stone church had ridden out thousand such storms in its 900 years resolute and immovable.
In our lives we are surrounded by evil, pain and suffering, a host of moral dangers and distractions which rage around us, like the storm.  We ourselves are contaminated and sick. Evil percolates into our very being, often we cannot see it, we are not aware, but it is ever present.
Only Christ protects us.  Only in him is there real calm, real peace.
Like the strong stone walls of the church, providing a safe refuge against the storm, Christ shields us and protects us.

Pray for the grace to allow him shield and protect you from evil.
Pray, sit with him. In a church, on the bus, in the car, on a plane, but especially when you experience evil, Christ will be there to protect you.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018


Sometimes we over complicate things.  In this Christmas message Bishop Seamus simplifies and clarifies the Christian message.

I hope God blesses you this Christmas and everyday

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Disgusted of football

Deeply saddened is doesn’t express my feelings of the last week.
When the England Soccer Team lost to Croatia in the World Cup football league the domestic violence figures against women rose by 40% in the next 48 hours!
The Simon Community, who feed people who live on the streets of London found that on the night of the match they could not find the homeless in many of there usual haunts.  Why?  Because they were in hiding.  They would rather miss a meal than risk the violence that would be meated out on them as a result of the “Beautiful Game” when drunk football supporters vacated the pubs.
Further, I was horrified that clergy on retreat were more interested in their plans for the footie than preparation to meet their Lord in  celebration of the mass.
What has become of our society?  Where is the love?
Lord give us the grace to focus on you, serve  you and care for our brothers and sisters.