Sunday 16 January 2022

Avoid the Gloss

Last week after sharing my personal testament with a relative they suggested I ought to write a book to enable the story of my journey to be shared.  I thought and prayed about this.

I have discerned that my story is not unusual, thanks to the mercy of God it is commonplace, the experience of countless others who have responded to Christ's invitation and allowed him to use them as his hands and feet in this corporal world.  My scribblings would not do justice to any real justice to his work on and through me.

Others would do better to read and follow scripture and the writings of the saints, rather than the interpretation or dilution of the same by people like me.  St. Frances of Assisi wrote in his testament no to let others gloss or dilute his rule.  Be wary of those who gloss The Gospel; Those who lighten it to suit themselves, making it the gospel lite.  Read scripture, read the writings of the saints, Ignatius of Loyal, Patrick and Jose Maria Esciva and Frances.  Read their work, not the gloss of others.

Commentaries can be helpful, but they are not a replacement for the original works and for prayer. Rather than reading this or other blogs, read the bible and the work of the saints in Christ.