But, and this is important, we must be faithful to our Traditions, the Scriptures and the teachings of the church. Where we water down our teachings, where we are compliant and liberal minded in order to be more acceptable towards others we dilute our faith, we do an injustice to Christ.
Today I read an article in the Church Times (the Church of England's newspaper), I was shocked to read how elements of that community are so misguided as to appoint ordained chaplains to build bridges with witches and pagans. They hold watered down liturgies in forests with no scripture, rather they focus solely on nature, also taking part in pagan rituals. This is completely misguided when paradoxically sound research has shown that, conservative christian communities who espouse traditional Christian morals and practices are growing where liberal communities are shrinking.
Let us not forget that weak morals and sinful behaviour of some priests and ministers has done great harm to the Church and to Christ. All of us must be strong and live out our lives as Christ would wish, holding to strong values helps us to do this. You and I must repent and reject sin.