Saturday 9 November 2013

Hungry Caterpillars?

You and I live in a consumer world, eating everything about us, but unlike the hungry caterpillar most of us do not blossom into beauty. Most of our efforts and those of the people around us are vain, selfish and indulgent.  We strive for more, bigger and best. We walk over our brothers and sisters to get it.  All  humanity selfishly striving to have more, and at what cost.

This week I heard a captain of industry criticise some politicians for considering actions that would not maximise profits.  The politicians were considering prioritising people, and their needs.  Trade is important, it is part of life but profit should be for the people, people should come first.  We ought not to be working constantly to make profit,  more and more money.  We need to make profit so people benefit, society benefits.  Attempting to build a great tower off Babble, made off accumulative wealth and greed. 

In the same way as industry should be made by man for man, rather than man made for industry; you and I are made for God.  Creation was created for God's mysterious purposes, not to serve our appetites, we need to focus on God.  If we do God's will, not our will we will grow into something beautiful. You and I can recreate our sick and sickening society.

There is a lot a very good Christian media out there, for a variety of churches and denominations.  Check out Fr Barron whose preaching may help you.  And do not forget the Bible. Start now, start today, make a difference to your self and to society.